Trans Rights are Human Rights

Hello from PovertyTalks!,

PovertyTalks! proudly supports all members of our community and it should go without saying

that we believe love is love and Trans-rights are human rights. 

Targeting hate at already marginalized communities is unacceptable and does not in any way hold with the beliefs of PovertyTalks! This goes for all hate, including transphobia, islamophobia, racism and aporophobia

It saddens us deeply that so many people in our community have been the target of these kinds of hate and PovertyTalks! is reaffirming our commitment to standing up and not accepting hate in the city we love and work tirelessly to make a fair and safe place for everyone; to include people who are often overlooked and excluded; and to welcome people to our table with open hearts and minds.

With love and sincerity,

All members of PovertyTalks!