International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2022

Poverty Talks! and its partners are hosting community conversations on October 17 - the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. They want to know your thoughts and insights on this year's theme:

Making Decisions for the Future: Ending Poverty Once and for All 

Join us at one of the community conversations!

Stop by our Booth 10am to noon!
We'll be on Stephen Avenue Mall on the corner of 8 Ave & 1 St. S.W. 

Questions & Answers

Who is putting on the conversations?

Poverty Talks! is an advisory group, offering insight into poverty reduction from a lived experience of poverty perspective. They partnered with City of Calgary Community Social Workers and Enough for All to host the events.

What will be done with the information?

Notes will be taken and a report will be published on Poverty Talks!'s website. Feedback will inform the Enough for All poverty reduction strategy and The City of Calgary Community Social Workers' neighbourhood assessments and plans.

Why should I attend?

It's an opportunity to share your experiences and ideas for ending poverty in our city.

Do I need to register?

No registration is necessary.

Can I help you promote the events?

Yes! Download the poster.

Will there be refreshments?

Yes, we'll have light refreshments.

Are children allowed to attend or is there childcare available for the events?

These events are child friendly! All events will have children's activities on site. The Marlborough Community Association has childminding services available on site.